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Andreas Eilersen

- Postdoctoral Researcher
Epidemiology and Public Health, Infodemiology, Social Networks, and Scientific Communication, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Ceyhun Eksin

- Corrie and Jim Furber '64 Assistant Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering
He is the Corrie and Jim Furber ’64 assistant professor at Industrial and Systems Engineering Department and Electrical and Computer Engineering Department (by courtesy) at Texas A&M University. He is also a 2023 Texas A&M Institute of Data Science Career Initiation Fellow and a recipient of NSF CAREER in 2023.
He received his Ph.D. in Electrical and Systems Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania in 2015 under the supervision of Alejandro Ribeiro. He was subsequently a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Georgia Institute of Technology affiliated with both the School of Electrical & Computer Engineering and the School of Biological Sciences hosted by Jeff S. Shamma and Joshua S. Weitz.
The research interests of his lab focus on understanding and designing networked interactions of agents in social and technological settings. Examples of such complex systems are found in energy systems (microgrid, demand response), public health (infectious diseases), autonomous robot systems, communication (uplink power allocation), and many other cyber-physical systems. Broadly, the theoretical interests of the lab are at the confluence of game theory, distributed optimization, signal processing, and control theory. We invite you to visit the Research section for a more detailed explanation of the research themes of the lab. You can find the specific research papers in Publications.
Epidemiology and Public Health, Social, Behavioral, Economic, and Governance