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Wilfred Ndifon

- Chief Scientific Officer
Dr. Ndifon is a Professor of Theoretical Biology at AIMS and the AIMS Network’s Research Director.
He applies mathematical thinking and modeling to discover mechanistic insights about diverse phenomena relevant to adaptive immunity. He has thus advanced the mechanistic understanding of, among others, the formation of T cell receptors via genetic recombination; the collapse of T cell diversity in the elderly; immune evasion by influenza viruses; the original antigenic sin; and hemagglutination-inhibition. He's also interested in theory-driven machine learning as an aid to inductive inference and prediction in biology and medicine; quantization of health; and phenotype accessibility in evolutionary landscapes and investigates translational applications of insights obtained from basic scientific work.
He spent several years at Princeton University studying theoretical biology with Simon Levin, graduating with Master’s (Sep 2005 – Jun 2007) and PhD (Feb 2008 – Apr 2009) degrees. Before then, he obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Morgan State University and then spent one and a half years doing independent research on RNA folding dynamics and other topics while developing commercial software as a hobby.